Rides: 179
Kilometers: 2294.8(approx.)

CO2 Saved: 701.1kg
Created by OnePlusYou

Thursday, 18 February 2010

Damn You, Electricity!

Picture the scene: you're riding along merrily avoiding being run over, riding inches from dog turds in the gutter, waiting patiently at red lights etc etc then all of a sudden Electricity decides to deal you a huge blow. All my electrical gizmos give up the ghost at the same time.

Computer - faint screen and not really wanting to tell you how fast you're going
Front light - lazily blinking out the Morse code for "my batteries are dead"
Rear light - fading slowly from a retina-burning crimson to a warm but useless campfire glow.

Alright, so my phone wasn't dead (it performed that trick on Tuesday) but the lights were a big concern. I've learnt my lesson though - spare batteries duly squirrelled away in one of the pockets of my bag for Electrical Conspiracy purposes.

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