Rides: 179
Kilometers: 2294.8(approx.)

CO2 Saved: 701.1kg
Created by OnePlusYou

Monday, 15 February 2010


I got hit by a woman in a VW Jetta this morning. She bumped me as she pulled out of a side road. I'm fine and I think the bike is okay (just scratched the QR, hope it's nothing more than that) but that's partly because I saw her pull up to the junction then pull out so I was already taking a wide berth. I did going slightly mental at her - she was quite shaken as I bellowed through her windscreen and side window, but then it could've been a lot worse (mainly for me). I think she'll be a bit more careful in future (perhaps) as I gave her such a large earful.

Standard response: "Sorry, I didn't see you" - what, was my bright flashing light not visible enough for you? How about my orange bike? How about me being the ONLY THING ON THE ROAD IN EITHER DIRECTION? F*ckwit. Hopefully I've given her something to think about, and I got her details in case it's more than just the QR.

In conclusion I think I need: some visible side lights, more luminous clothes and a very bright front light. And a f*cking great big stick to fend cars off with, a bit like jousting.

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