Rides: 179
Kilometers: 2294.8(approx.)

CO2 Saved: 701.1kg
Created by OnePlusYou

Sunday, 7 February 2010

I Heart Tubeless

Another Saturday, another family trip out to Grizedale, only this time with Dr & Mrs G as well. The good doctor is testing replacements for his stolen pride & joy and he seems to be having a mighty fine time doing it too. Even if the circumstances for all this fun arise from some filthy little scumbag taking what isn't theirs.

So, it was another cold, fresh day although the ground is beginning to thaw with all the resultant puddles and bogginess, but you don't go out into the woods to stay clean, do you? It was a pretty uneventful ride with a couple of niggly mechanicals to keep me on my toes but they were only spotted after-the-fact:
  1. I thought my headset was loose. I was pleased to find out I was wrong, but the helpful Leon at the bike shop pointed out that my front caliper was about to make a break for freedom...
  2. I also thought the rear wheel was squirming round a lot, which made me check and double-check the frame pivots, shock mounts, QR tightness etc etc. I discovered this morning when I was giving the bike a post-ride birthday that my rear tyre was at a shameful 10psi. 
But that brings me neatly to my title - no pinch flats, no punctures of any kind. Ace. I did think that I was bottoming out a bit too much, but in hindsight that *may* have been the rear rim clunking against the ground as the tyre compressed. You live and learn.

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